Burst Current

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This stimulus can only be applied to neurons in the neural network editor. It injects a current that alternates between burst states for a specified amount of time. Within the bursts there is an on and off cycle. The user specifies a duration and current for the on and off cycles, and the current alternates between those two values for the duration of the burst. Figure 1 shows an example of this stimulus when the burst current is 0 na, burst on and off durations are 1 s, cycle on and off durations are 100 ms, cycle on current is 10 na, cycle off current is 0 na, start time is 1 s, and end time is 9 seconds. The 10 na current is applied for 100 ms and then goes off for 100 ms during the burst. When the burst is off though the burst current of 0 na is applied.

Figure 1. Burst current stimulus.

Burst Current Properties

Always Active
If this property is true then the stimulus is always active and the start and end times are ignored. If it is false then the stimulus is only applied between the start and end times.
Default value: False
Acceptable Values: True/False.

Burst Off Current
The current that will be injected into the neuron when the burst is inactive.
Default value: 0 nA
Acceptable range: Any value.

Burst Off Duration
The duration between bursts.
Default value: 0 s
Acceptable range: Any value less than duration of the stimulus.

Burst On Duration
The duration of the burst.
Default value: 0 s
Acceptable range: Any value less than duration of the stimulus.

Cycle Off Current
The current that will be injected into the neuron during the cycle off period during the burst.
Default value: 0 nA
Acceptable range: Any value.

Cycle Off Duration
The duration of the cycle off period.
Default value: 0 s
Acceptable range: Any value less than duration of the burst.

Cycle On Current
The current that will be injected into the neuron during the cycle on period of the burst. The cycle on period is applied first by default.
Default value: 10 nA
Acceptable range: Any value.

Cycle On Duration
The duration of the cycle on period. The cycle on period is applied first by default.
Default value: 20 ms
Acceptable range: Any value less than duration of the burst.

Determines if this stimulus is applied or not. If this is false then the stimulus is ignored. If it is true then it is applied.
Default value: True
Acceptable Values: True/False.

End Time
This is the time when the stimulus is stopped.
Default value: 5 s
Acceptable Values: Any value greater than the Start Time.

The name of the stimulus.
Default value: Stimulus_?
Acceptable Values: Any string.

A read-only property that tells which neuron the current will be injected into.

A read-only property that tells which organism the selected neuron is contained within.

Start Time
This is the time when the stimulus will start.
Default value: 0 s
Acceptable Values: Any value less than the End Time and greater than or equal 0.